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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом took

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I had no shoes, and I felt sorry for myself until I met a man who had no feet. I took his shoes. Now I feel better.
en: 💭 I had no shoes, and I felt sorry for myself until I met a man who had no feet. I took his shoes. Now I feel better. © George Carlin
ru: 💭 У меня не было обуви, и я жалела себя, пока не встретила мужчину, у которого не было ног. Я взяла его обувь. Теперь я чувствую себя лучше.

Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.
en: 💭 Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick. © J. R. R. Tolkien
ru: 💭 Тогда в нем проснулось что-то от Тука, и ему захотелось пойти и увидеть великие горы, услышать шум сосен и водопадов, исследовать пещеры и носить меч вместо трости.

Boeing just took $20 billion and 10 years to improve the efficiency of their planes by 10 percent. That’s pretty lame. I have a design in mind for a vertical liftoff supersonic jet that would be a really big improvement.
en: 💭 Boeing just took $20 billion and 10 years to improve the efficiency of their planes by 10 percent. That’s pretty lame. I have a design in mind for a vertical liftoff supersonic jet that would be a really big improvement. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Boeing только что потратил 20 миллиардов долларов и 10 лет на то, чтобы повысить эффективность своих самолетов на 10 процентов. Это довольно неубедительно. У меня на примете есть проект сверхзвукового реактивного самолета с вертикальным взлетом, который стал бы действительно большим достижением.

It took untold generations to get you where you are. A little gratitude might be in order. If you’re going to insist on bending the world to your way, you better have your reasons.
en: 💭 It took untold generations to get you where you are. A little gratitude might be in order. If you’re going to insist on bending the world to your way, you better have your reasons. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Потребовалось неисчислимое количество поколений, чтобы привести вас туда, где вы сейчас находитесь. Возможно, не помешает немного благодарности. Если вы собираетесь настаивать на том, чтобы склонить мир на свою сторону, лучше бы у вас были на то причины.

I was educated once – it took me years to get over it.
en: 💭 I was educated once – it took me years to get over it. © Mark Twain
ru: 💭 Когда–то я был образованным человеком, но мне потребовались годы, чтобы прийти в себя.

I was in darkness, but I took three steps and found myself in paradise. The first step was a good thought, the second, a good word; and the third, a good deed.
en: 💭 I was in darkness, but I took three steps and found myself in paradise. The first step was a good thought, the second, a good word; and the third, a good deed. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Я был во тьме, но сделал три шага и оказался в раю. Первым шагом была хорошая мысль, вторым - доброе слово, а третьим - доброе дело.

The Mosaic religion had been a Father religion; Christianity became a Son religion. The old God, the Father, took second place; Christ, the Son, stood in His stead, just as in those dark times every son had longed to do.
en: 💭 The Mosaic religion had been a Father religion; Christianity became a Son religion. The old God, the Father, took second place; Christ, the Son, stood in His stead, just as in those dark times every son had longed to do. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Религия Моисея была религией Отца; христианство стало религией Сына. Древний Бог, Отец, отошел на второй план; Христос, Сын, занял Его место, как в те мрачные времена мечтал сделать каждый сын.

It took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity; how many planets will a country like India require?
en: 💭 It took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity; how many planets will a country like India require? © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Британии потребовалась половина ресурсов планеты, чтобы достичь своего процветания; сколько планет потребуется такой стране, как Индия?

It seems that God took away the minds of poets that they might better express His.
en: 💭 It seems that God took away the minds of poets that they might better express His. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Кажется, что Бог отнял у поэтов разум, чтобы они могли лучше выразить Его.

Before the birth of Love, many fearful things took place through the empire of necessity; but when this god was born, all things rose to men.
en: 💭 Before the birth of Love, many fearful things took place through the empire of necessity; but when this god was born, all things rose to men. © Socrates
ru: 💭 До рождения Любви в царстве необходимости происходило много ужасных вещей; но когда родился этот бог, все стало доступно людям.

The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.
en: 💭 The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 ООН решительно выступила против апартеида, и с годами был достигнут международный консенсус, который помог положить конец этой порочной системе. Но мы слишком хорошо знаем, что наша свобода неполна без свободы палестинцев.

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