📒 the salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its continents and islands
📒 a large area of salt water that is part of an ocean or surrounded by land
📒 the movement of the waves of the sea
📒 a large amount of something that stretches over a wide area
📒 on the sea, especially in a ship, or in the sea
📒 confused and not knowing what to do
📒 in a difficult situation where there are two equally unpleasant or unacceptable choices
📒 to become a sailor; to leave your home and family without permission to become a sailor
📒 far away from land where the sea is deepest
📒 to leave a port or harbour by ship or boat
📒 used to comfort somebody whose romantic relationship has ended by saying that there are many other people with whom they may have a successful relationship in the future