📒 the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands
📒 having or using the type or number of foot/feet mentioned
📒 the part of a sock, stocking, etc. that covers the foot
📒 a unit for measuring length equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres
📒 the lowest part of something; the base or bottom of something
📒 the further or lower end of something
📒 a unit of rhythm in a line of poetry containing one stressed syllable and one or more syllables without stress. Each of the four divisions in the following line is a foot
📒 to be extremely busy; to have too many things to do
📒 to tie somebody’s hands and feet together so that they cannot move or escape
📒 to prevent somebody from doing what they want by creating rules, limits, etc.
📒 used to say that a situation has changed so that somebody now has power or authority over the person who used to have power or authority over them
📒 to suddenly cause somebody’s idea or plan to fail by doing something to stop them from continuing with it
📒 to be deliberately slow in doing something or in making a decision
📒 to be lucky in finding yourself in a good situation, or in getting out of a difficult situation
📒 with your feet touching the ground before any other part of your body
📒 if you leave a place feet first, you are carried out after you are dead
📒 to become able to act independently and with confidence
📒 a strong way of saying that you disagree completely with what has just been said
📒 covering your whole body
📒 to suddenly become nervous about doing something that you had planned to do
📒 to start doing something that is new for you
📒 to manage to enter an organization, a field of business, etc. that could bring you success
📒 to want to travel or move to a different place; to want to do something different
📒 to start a relationship well/badly
📒 to have a fault or weakness in your character
📒 to have a sensible and realistic attitude to life
📒 to be involved in or connected with two different groups, especially ones that oppose each other
📒 to be so old or ill that you are not likely to live much longer
📒 to be very awkward in your movements, especially when you are dancing or playing a sport
📒 to be very successful and admired
📒 wearing socks or stockings but not shoes
📒 to not delay in getting things done
📒 (to put somebody) at a disadvantage or in difficulty
📒 completely well or in a normal state again after an illness or a time of trouble
📒 at an advantage
📒 taking positive steps to achieve something
📒 a way of referring to children when somebody wants, or is going to have, a baby
📒 to take help or support away from somebody suddenly
📒 to make a great effort to do something, especially if it is difficult or you are feeling tired
📒 to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported
📒 to be very strict in opposing what somebody wishes to do
📒 to drive faster
📒 to say or do something that upsets, offends or embarrasses somebody
📒 to make a mistake
📒 to enter or visit a place
📒 to make somebody/something independent or successful
📒 to do or say something that will cause you a lot of trouble or harm, especially when you are trying to get an advantage for yourself
📒 to admire somebody very much, especially a teacher or somebody from whom you try to learn
📒 to be independent and able to take care of yourself
📒 to make somebody fall suddenly and deeply in love with you
📒 to sit down and rest, especially when you are tired
📒 to be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation
📒 in the way; stopping you from working, etc.
📒 to show what you think about something by going or not going somewhere
📒 to take care of somebody’s needs so well that they do not have to do anything for themselves
📒 to make somebody walk so far or so fast that they are very tired