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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом writer

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I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
en: 💭 I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. © J.K. Rowling
ru: 💭 Я был освобожден, потому что мой самый большой страх уже осуществился, и я все еще был жив, и у меня все еще была дочь, которую я обожал, и у меня была старая пишущая машинка, и грандиозная идея. И вот, дно стало прочным фундаментом, на котором я перестроил свою жизнь.

A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.
en: 💭 A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Хороший писатель обладает не только своим собственным духом, но и духом своих друзей.

Writers write for fame, wealth, power and the love of women.
en: 💭 Writers write for fame, wealth, power and the love of women. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Писатели пишут ради славы, богатства, власти и любви женщин.

Might we not say that every child at play behaves like a creative writer, in that he creates a world of his own, or, rather, rearranges the things of his world in a new way which pleases him?
en: 💭 Might we not say that every child at play behaves like a creative writer, in that he creates a world of his own, or, rather, rearranges the things of his world in a new way which pleases him? © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Разве мы не можем сказать, что каждый ребенок во время игры ведет себя как творческий писатель, поскольку он создает свой собственный мир или, скорее, перестраивает предметы своего мира по-новому, так, как ему нравится?

The creative writer does the same as the child at play; he creates a world of fantasy which he takes very seriously.
en: 💭 The creative writer does the same as the child at play; he creates a world of fantasy which he takes very seriously. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Творческий писатель делает то же самое, что и играющий ребенок: он создает мир фантазий, к которому относится очень серьезно.

To the youth of today, I also have a wish to make: be the scriptwriters of your destiny and feature yourselves as stars that showed the way towards a brighter future.
en: 💭 To the youth of today, I also have a wish to make: be the scriptwriters of your destiny and feature yourselves as stars that showed the way towards a brighter future. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Современной молодежи я также хочу пожелать: будьте сценаристами своей судьбы и покажите себя звездами, которые указали путь к светлому будущему.

Writing is really wonderful art. A lot of this is discovery. A lot of things are lying around waiting to be discovered and that’s our job as writers is to just notice them and bring them to life.
en: 💭 Writing is really wonderful art. A lot of this is discovery. A lot of things are lying around waiting to be discovered and that’s our job as writers is to just notice them and bring them to life. © George Carlin
ru: 💭 Писательство - это действительно замечательное искусство. Во многом это открытие. Многие вещи лежат вокруг и ждут своего открытия, и наша работа как писателей заключается в том, чтобы просто замечать их и воплощать в жизнь.

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