🎯 Частота употребления: Очень редко
ℹ Части речи: существительное, глагол
💡 Основной перевод: охота на ведьм
✍ Другие переводы: охота за ведьмами
Транскрипции: британская ˈwɪtʃ hʌnt американская ˈwɪtʃ hʌnt
💡 Определение слова: an attempt to find and punish people who hold opinions that are thought to be unacceptable or dangerous to society
✍ Пример использования: The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch-hunt.
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Краткое описание слова + примеры использования
**Witch-hunt** (сущ.) — охота на ведьм, преследование инакомыслящих.
Вот несколько примеров использования этого слова в предложениях:
1. In the Middle Ages, **witch-hunts** were common, with many innocent people being accused of witchcraft.
2. The company’s management launched a **witch-hunt** against employees who were suspected of leaking confidential information.
3. Some people believe that the accusations of sexual harassment and assault are part of a modern **witch-hunt**.
4. The politician accused his opponent of orchestrating a **witch-hunt** to discredit him.
5. The historical drama depicts the events of the Salem **witch-hunt** in 1692.