📒 to break something suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way
📒 to take a photograph
📒 to move, or to move something, into a particular position quickly, especially with a sudden sharp noise
📒 to speak or say something in an impatient, usually angry, voice
📒 to try to bite somebody/something
📒 to suddenly be unable to control your feelings any longer because the situation has become too difficult
📒 to fasten a piece of clothing with a snap
📒 to start play by passing the ball back between your legs
📒 to shout at somebody in an angry way, especially without reason
📒 to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract somebody’s attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example
📒 to make an effort to stop feeling unhappy or depressed; to help somebody to stop feeling unhappy
📒 used, especially in orders, to tell somebody to start working harder or more quickly