💬 Фразы на английском со словом plank
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a plank two inches thick - двухдюймовка
as thick as two planks - совершенный тупица
as thick as two planks - настоящий "дуб"
as thick as two planks - совершенный кретин
as thick as two short planks - туполобый
as thick as two short planks - дуб дубом
as thick as two short planks - тормозной
as thick as two short planks - тупарь
as thick as two short planks - тормоз
as thick as two short planks - дятел
as thick as two short planks - пень
as thick as two short planks - недалекого ума
as thick as two short planks - тупой как валенок
bridge plank - мостовина
but end of a plank - стык у обшивных досок
butt end of a plank - стык у обшивных досок
carvel planking - обшивка вглядь
central plank - главный принцип
fasten a plank with a nail - укреплять дощечку
fasten a plank with a nail - прибивать дощечку
fix a loose plank - закрепить оторвавшуюся доску
gang-plank - сходни