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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом office

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If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain.
en: 💭 If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. © George Carlin
ru: 💭 Если вы голосуете и избираете на должность нечестных, некомпетентных людей, которые все портят, вы несете ответственность за то, что они сделали. Вы создали проблему; вы проголосовали за них; у вас нет права жаловаться.

The path to the CEO’s office should not be through the CFO’s office, and it should not be through the marketing department. It needs to be through engineering and design.
en: 💭 The path to the CEO’s office should not be through the CFO’s office, and it should not be through the marketing department. It needs to be through engineering and design. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Путь к кабинету генерального директора не должен пролегать ни через офис финансового директора, ни через отдел маркетинга. Путь должен пролегать через инженерное дело и дизайн.

The true office of any faith is to give life a meaning which death cannot destroy.
en: 💭 The true office of any faith is to give life a meaning which death cannot destroy. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Истинная цель любой веры - придать жизни смысл, который не может разрушить смерть.

Aristocracy is that form of government in which education and discipline are qualifications for suffrage and office holding.
en: 💭 Aristocracy is that form of government in which education and discipline are qualifications for suffrage and office holding. © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Аристократия - это такая форма правления, при которой образование и дисциплина являются необходимыми условиями для получения избирательного права и занятия государственных должностей.

It is not the purpose of a juryman’s office to give justice as a favor to whoever seems good to him, but to judge according to law, and this he has sworn to do.
en: 💭 It is not the purpose of a juryman’s office to give justice as a favor to whoever seems good to him, but to judge according to law, and this he has sworn to do. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Цель работы присяжного заседателя не в том, чтобы вершить правосудие в угоду тому, кто кажется ему хорошим, а в том, чтобы судить в соответствии с законом, и он поклялся это делать.

Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive.
en: 💭 Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive. © J.K. Rowling
ru: 💭 Наконец-то, правда. Лежа, уткнувшись лицом в пыльный ковер в кабинете, где, как ему когда-то казалось, он постигал секреты победы, Гарри наконец понял, что ему не суждено выжить.

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