🎯 Частота употребления: Очень редко
ℹ Части речи: существительное
💡 Основной перевод: лошадь
✍ Другие переводы: на которую заведомо не стоит ставить; аутсайдер; неудачник
Транскрипции: британская ˌnəʊ ˈhəʊpə(r) американская ˌnəʊ ˈhəʊpər
💡 Определение слова: a person or an animal that is considered very unlikely to be successful
✍ Пример использования: a team of complete no-hopers
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Краткое описание слова + примеры использования
**No-hoper** — это сленговое выражение, которое означает человека, который не имеет никаких шансов на успех или достижение цели.
Вот несколько примеров использования этого слова:
1. Despite his lack of experience, the team believed he was a no-hoper and didn't expect him to succeed.
2. She tried everything to impress him, but he just saw her as a no-hoper.
3. The coach was disappointed in the player's performance and told him that he was a no-hoper if he didn't improve.
4. They thought he was a no-hoper when he started his business, but now he's a successful entrepreneur.
5. The team was down 10 points at halftime, and everyone thought they were a no-hoper, but they managed to come back and win the game.