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🎯 Частота употребления: Очень редко
ℹ Части речи: прилагательное, существительное
💡 Основной перевод: тысячелетний
✍ Другие переводы:
британская ˌmɪlɪˈneəriən
американская ˌmɪlɪˈneriən
💡 Определение слова:
holding or showing the belief that there will come a future age of happiness and peace when Christ will return to Earth
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Краткое описание слова + примеры использования

**Millenarian** (от латинского *mille* — тысяча) — это прилагательное, обозначающее веру в наступление тысячелетнего царства или периода благополучия и счастья на Земле, обычно после периода бедствий и страданий.

Вот несколько примеров использования слова «millenarian»:

1. The **millenarian beliefs** of the group led them to believe that the end of the world was nigh.
2. The book explores the **millenarian movements** that emerged in Europe during the Middle Ages.
3. The prophet predicted a **millenarian event** that would bring about a new era of peace and prosperity.
4. The group's **millenarian ideas** were met with skepticism by the mainstream religious community.
5. The film explores the **millenarian movement** that swept through Europe in the 16th century.
6. The **millenarian expectations** of the followers of the cult were not met, and the group eventually disbanded.
7. The **millenarian belief** that the world would end in 2012 led to a surge in interest in apocalyptic literature and films.
8. The **millenarian sect** attracted a number of followers who believed in the imminent end of the world.
9. The **millenarian teachings** of the guru were seen as dangerous and unorthodox by the religious establishment.
10. The **millenarian movement** was characterized by a sense of urgency and anticipation of the coming of a new age.
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