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He that is thy friend indeed, He will help thee in thy need: If thou sorrow, he will weep; If thou wake, he cannot sleep: Thus of every grief in heart He with thee does bear a part. These are certain signs to know Faithful friend from flattering foe.
en: 💭 He that is thy friend indeed, He will help thee in thy need: If thou sorrow, he will weep; If thou wake, he cannot sleep: Thus of every grief in heart He with thee does bear a part. These are certain signs to know Faithful friend from flattering foe. © William Shakespeare
ru: 💭 Тот, кто действительно твой друг, поможет тебе в твоей нужде: Если ты будешь горевать, он заплачет; Если ты проснешься, он не сможет уснуть: Так Он разделит с тобой всякое горе в сердце. Это верные признаки, по которым можно отличить верного друга от льстивого врага.

In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning.
en: 💭 In the best, the friendliest and simplest relations flattery or praise is necessary, just as grease is necessary to keep wheels turning. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 В самых лучших, дружеских и простых отношениях необходима лесть или похвала, точно так же, как необходима смазка, чтобы колеса вращались.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the great documenter of the slave-labour-camp horrors of the latter, once wrote that the “pitiful ideology” holding that “human beings are created for happiness” was an ideology “done in by the first blow of the work assigner’s cudgel.
en: 💭 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the great documenter of the slave-labour-camp horrors of the latter, once wrote that the “pitiful ideology” holding that “human beings are created for happiness” was an ideology “done in by the first blow of the work assigner’s cudgel. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Александр Солженицын, великий документалист, описывавший ужасы лагерей принудительного труда в СССР, однажды написал, что “жалкая идеология”, утверждающая, что “люди созданы для счастья”, была идеологией, “уничтоженной первым ударом дубинки".

It is much better to make friends with what you do not know than with what you do know, as there is an infinite supply of the former but a finite stock of the latter.
en: 💭 It is much better to make friends with what you do not know than with what you do know, as there is an infinite supply of the former but a finite stock of the latter. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Гораздо лучше подружиться с тем, чего вы не знаете, чем с тем, что вы знаете, поскольку количество первого бесконечно, а количество второго ограничено.

One can promise actions, but not feelings, for the latter are involuntary. He who promises to love forever or hate forever or be forever faithful to someone is promising something that is not in his power.
en: 💭 One can promise actions, but not feelings, for the latter are involuntary. He who promises to love forever or hate forever or be forever faithful to someone is promising something that is not in his power. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Можно обещать действия, но не чувства, ибо последние непроизвольны. Тот, кто обещает вечно любить, или вечно ненавидеть, или вечно быть верным кому-то, обещает то, что не в его власти.

Thinking in pictures is, therefore, only a very incomplete form of becoming conscious. In some way, too, it stands nearer to unconscious processes than does thinking in words, and it is unquestionably older than the latter both ontogenetically and phylogenetically.
en: 💭 Thinking in pictures is, therefore, only a very incomplete form of becoming conscious. In some way, too, it stands nearer to unconscious processes than does thinking in words, and it is unquestionably older than the latter both ontogenetically and phylogenetically. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Таким образом, образное мышление - это лишь очень неполная форма осознания. В некотором смысле оно также ближе к бессознательным процессам, чем словесное мышление, и, несомненно, старше последнего как в онтогенезе, так и в филогенезе.

Teachers, who educate children, deserve more honour than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided mere life, while the former ensure a good life.
en: 💭 Teachers, who educate children, deserve more honour than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided mere life, while the former ensure a good life. © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Учителя, которые воспитывают детей, заслуживают большего уважения, чем родители, которые просто дали им жизнь, ибо последние просто обеспечили им жизнь, в то время как первые обеспечивают хорошую жизнь.

Suppose, then, that all men were sick or deranged, save one or two of them who were healthy and of right mind. It would then be the latter two who would be thought to be sick and deranged and the former not!
en: 💭 Suppose, then, that all men were sick or deranged, save one or two of them who were healthy and of right mind. It would then be the latter two who would be thought to be sick and deranged and the former not! © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Предположим, что все люди больны или невменяемы, за исключением одного или двух из них, которые здоровы и находятся в здравом уме. Тогда последние двое считались бы больными и невменяемыми, а первые - нет!

Distinguish between real needs and artificial wants and control the latter.
en: 💭 Distinguish between real needs and artificial wants and control the latter. © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Проводите различие между реальными потребностями и искусственными желаниями и контролируйте последние.

Though flattery blossoms like friendship, yet there is a vast difference in the fruit.
en: 💭 Though flattery blossoms like friendship, yet there is a vast difference in the fruit. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Хотя лесть расцветает подобно дружбе, плоды ее сильно отличаются друг от друга.

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.
en: 💭 Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Лесть подобна раскрашенным доспехам; она только напоказ.

Flattery is like friendship in show, but not in fruit.
en: 💭 Flattery is like friendship in show, but not in fruit. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Лесть похожа на показную дружбу, но не на плоды.

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