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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом grow

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Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
en: 💭 Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death. © Albert Einstein
ru: 💭 Интеллектуальный рост должен начинаться с рождения и прекращаться только со смертью.

Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.
en: 💭 Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born. © Albert Einstein
ru: 💭 Не старейте, сколько бы вы ни прожили. Никогда не переставайте стоять, как любопытные дети, перед Великой Тайной, в которой мы родились.

I used to be Irish Catholic. Now I’m an American – you know, you grow.
en: 💭 I used to be Irish Catholic. Now I’m an American – you know, you grow. © George Carlin
ru: 💭 Раньше я был ирландским католиком. Теперь я американец – знаешь, ты растешь.

The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
en: 💭 The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater. © J. R. R. Tolkien
ru: 💭 Мир действительно полон опасностей, и в нем много темных мест, но все же есть много прекрасного, и хотя во всех странах любовь сейчас смешана с горем, оно, возможно, становится еще сильнее.

It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
en: 💭 It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be. © J.K. Rowling
ru: 💭 Важно не то, кем человек родился, а то, кем он вырастет.

Starting and growing a business is as much about the innovation, drive and determination of the people who do it as it is about the product they sell.
en: 💭 Starting and growing a business is as much about the innovation, drive and determination of the people who do it as it is about the product they sell. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Открытие и развитие бизнеса в такой же степени зависит от инноваций, целеустремленности людей, которые им занимаются, как и от продукта, который они продают.

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.
en: 💭 I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine. © William Shakespeare
ru: 💭 Я знаю берег, где веет диким тимьяном, где растут шиповник и кивающая фиалка, укрытые сочной листвой, сладкими мускусными розами и эглантином.

I love thee, I love thee with a love that shall not die. Till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old.
en: 💭 I love thee, I love thee with a love that shall not die. Till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old. © William Shakespeare
ru: 💭 Я люблю тебя, я люблю тебя любовью, которая не умрет никогда. Пока солнце не остынет, а звезды не состарятся.

There are no conditions to which a person cannot grow accustomed, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives in the same way.
en: 💭 There are no conditions to which a person cannot grow accustomed, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives in the same way. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Нет таких условий, к которым человек не мог бы привыкнуть, особенно если он видит, что все вокруг живут точно так же.

Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
en: 💭 Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Истину, как и золото, можно получить не путем ее роста, а путем смывания с нее всего, что не является золотом.

If you make it a habit not to blame others, you will feel the growth of the ability to love in your soul, and you will see the growth of goodness in your life.
en: 💭 If you make it a habit not to blame others, you will feel the growth of the ability to love in your soul, and you will see the growth of goodness in your life. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Если вы возьмете за привычку не обвинять других, вы почувствуете рост способности любить в своей душе и увидите рост добра в своей жизни.

Grow spiritually and help others to do so. It is the meaning of life.
en: 💭 Grow spiritually and help others to do so. It is the meaning of life. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Развивайтесь духовно и помогайте в этом другим. В этом смысл жизни.

And the light by which she had read the book filled with troubles, falsehoods, sorrow, and evil, flared up more brightly than ever before, lighted up for her all that had been in darkness, flickered, began to grow dim, and was quenched forever.
en: 💭 And the light by which she had read the book filled with troubles, falsehoods, sorrow, and evil, flared up more brightly than ever before, lighted up for her all that had been in darkness, flickered, began to grow dim, and was quenched forever. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 И свет, при котором она читала книгу, полную бед, лжи, горя и зла, вспыхнул ярче, чем когда-либо прежде, осветил для нее все, что было во тьме, замерцал, начал тускнеть и погас навсегда.

We must not only cease our present desire for the growth of the state, but we must desire its decrease, its weakening.
en: 💭 We must not only cease our present desire for the growth of the state, but we must desire its decrease, its weakening. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Мы должны не только отказаться от нашего нынешнего стремления к росту государства, но и желать его уменьшения, его ослабления.

To straddle that fundamental duality is to be balanced: to have one foot firmly planted in order and security, and the other in chaos, possibility, growth and adventure.
en: 💭 To straddle that fundamental duality is to be balanced: to have one foot firmly planted in order and security, and the other in chaos, possibility, growth and adventure. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Преодолеть эту фундаментальную двойственность - значит быть уравновешенным: одной ногой твердо стоять в порядке и безопасности, а другой - в хаосе, возможностях, росте и приключениях.

No tree can grow to Heaven,” adds the ever-terrifying Carl Gustav Jung, psychoanalyst extraordinaire, “unless its roots reach down to Hell.
en: 💭 No tree can grow to Heaven,” adds the ever-terrifying Carl Gustav Jung, psychoanalyst extraordinaire, “unless its roots reach down to Hell. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Ни одно дерево не может вырасти до Небес, - добавляет вечно внушающий ужас Карл Густав Юнг, выдающийся психоаналитик, - если его корни не доходят до Ада.

Forest fires burn out deadwood and return trapped elements to the soil. Sometimes, however, fires are suppressed, artificially. That does not stop the deadwood from accumulating. Sooner or later, a fire will start. When it does, it will burn so hot that everything will be destroyed – even the soil in which the forest grows.
en: 💭 Forest fires burn out deadwood and return trapped elements to the soil. Sometimes, however, fires are suppressed, artificially. That does not stop the deadwood from accumulating. Sooner or later, a fire will start. When it does, it will burn so hot that everything will be destroyed – even the soil in which the forest grows. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Лесные пожары сжигают сухостой и возвращают захваченные элементы в почву. Однако иногда пожары подавляются искусственно. Это не останавливает накопление сухостоя. Рано или поздно начнется пожар. Когда это произойдет, он будет гореть так сильно, что все будет уничтожено – даже почва, на которой растет лес.

Cooperation is for safety, security and companionship. Competition is for personal growth and status.
en: 💭 Cooperation is for safety, security and companionship. Competition is for personal growth and status. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Сотрудничество необходимо для обеспечения безопасности и товарищеских отношений. Конкуренция необходима для личностного роста и повышения статуса.

To straddle that fundamental duality is to be balanced: to have one foot firmly planted in order and security, and the other in chaos, possibility, growth and adventure. When life suddenly reveals itself as intense, gripping and meaningful; when time passes and you’re so engrossed in what you’re doing you don’t notice – it is there and then that you are located precisely on the border between order and chaos.
en: 💭 To straddle that fundamental duality is to be balanced: to have one foot firmly planted in order and security, and the other in chaos, possibility, growth and adventure. When life suddenly reveals itself as intense, gripping and meaningful; when time passes and you’re so engrossed in what you’re doing you don’t notice – it is there and then that you are located precisely on the border between order and chaos. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Преодолеть эту фундаментальную двойственность - значит быть уравновешенным: одной ногой твердо стоять в порядке и безопасности, а другой - в хаосе, возможностях, росте и приключениях. Когда жизнь внезапно становится насыщенной, захватывающей и наполненной смыслом; когда время идет, а вы настолько поглощены тем, что делаете, что не замечаете этого, – именно тогда вы оказываетесь точно на границе между порядком и хаосом.

But winning at everything might only mean that you’re not doing anything new or difficult. You might be winning but you’re not growing, and growing might be the most important form of winning. Should victory in the present always take precedence over trajectory across time?
en: 💭 But winning at everything might only mean that you’re not doing anything new or difficult. You might be winning but you’re not growing, and growing might be the most important form of winning. Should victory in the present always take precedence over trajectory across time? © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Но победа во всем может означать только то, что вы не делаете ничего нового или сложного. Вы можете побеждать, но не расти, а рост может быть самой важной формой победы. Должна ли победа в настоящем всегда иметь приоритет над траекторией во времени?

Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.
en: 💭 Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many. © Mark Twain
ru: 💭 Не жалуйтесь на старость. Это привилегия, которой лишены многие.

A person that started in to carry a cat home by the tail was gitting knowledge that was always going to be useful to him, and warn’t ever going to grow dim or doubtful.
en: 💭 A person that started in to carry a cat home by the tail was gitting knowledge that was always going to be useful to him, and warn’t ever going to grow dim or doubtful. © Mark Twain
ru: 💭 Человек, который начал таскать кошку домой за хвост, получал знания, которые всегда были ему полезны и никогда не потускнели бы и не вызывали сомнений.

The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell.
en: 💭 The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Дерево, которое хочет вырасти до небес, должно пустить свои корни в ад.

What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome.
en: 💭 What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Что такое хорошо? Все, что усиливает ощущение силы, волю к власти, саму власть. Что такое плохо? Все, что порождено слабостью. Что такое счастье? Ощущение того, что сила растет, что сопротивление преодолено.

For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks.
en: 💭 For a tree to become tall it must grow tough roots among the rocks. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 Чтобы дерево стало высоким, оно должно пустить крепкие корни среди скал.

In solitude there grows what anyone brings into it, the inner beast too. Therefore solitude is inadvisable to many.
en: 💭 In solitude there grows what anyone brings into it, the inner beast too. Therefore solitude is inadvisable to many. © Friedrich Nietzsche
ru: 💭 В одиночестве растет то, что привносит в него каждый, в том числе и внутренний зверь. Поэтому уединение многим не рекомендуется.

There is little that gives children greater pleasure than when a grown-up lets himself down to their level, renounces his oppressive superiority and plays with them as an equal.
en: 💭 There is little that gives children greater pleasure than when a grown-up lets himself down to their level, renounces his oppressive superiority and plays with them as an equal. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Мало что доставляет детям большее удовольствие, чем когда взрослый опускается до их уровня, отказывается от своего гнетущего превосходства и играет с ними на равных.

Perhaps the gods are kind to us, by making life more disagreeable as we grow older. In the end death seems less intolerable than the manifold burdens we carry.
en: 💭 Perhaps the gods are kind to us, by making life more disagreeable as we grow older. In the end death seems less intolerable than the manifold burdens we carry. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Возможно, боги добры к нам, делая жизнь все более невыносимой по мере того, как мы становимся старше. В конце концов, смерть кажется менее невыносимой, чем многочисленные тяготы, которые мы несем.

In so doing, the idea forces itself upon him that religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis, and he is optimistic enough to suppose that mankind will surmount this neurotic phase, just as so many children grow out of their similar neurosis.
en: 💭 In so doing, the idea forces itself upon him that religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis, and he is optimistic enough to suppose that mankind will surmount this neurotic phase, just as so many children grow out of their similar neurosis. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 При этом ему приходит в голову мысль, что религию можно сравнить с детским неврозом, и он достаточно оптимистичен, чтобы полагать, что человечество преодолеет эту невротическую фазу точно так же, как многие дети вырастают из своего подобного невроза.

True happiness comes from gaining insight and growing into your best possible self. Otherwise all you’re having is immediate gratification pleasure, which is fleeting and doesn’t grow you as a person.
en: 💭 True happiness comes from gaining insight and growing into your best possible self. Otherwise all you’re having is immediate gratification pleasure, which is fleeting and doesn’t grow you as a person. © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Истинное счастье приходит, когда вы обретаете понимание и становитесь лучше. В противном случае все, что вы получаете, - это сиюминутное удовлетворение, которое мимолетно и не развивает вас как личность.

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