Открыть в ТГ


🎯 Частота употребления: Очень редко
ℹ Части речи: существительное, глагол, прилагательное
💡 Основной перевод: рябчик
✍ Другие переводы:
шотландская куропатка; ворчун; ворчать
британская ɡraʊs
американская ɡraʊs
💡 Определение слова:
[countable, uncountable] a bird with a fat body and feathers on its legs, which people shoot for sport and food; the meat of this bird
✍ Пример использования:
grouse shooting
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Краткое описание слова + примеры использования

**Grouse** [graʊs] — это английское слово, которое может иметь несколько значений. Вот некоторые из них:

1. **Тетерев-глухарь** (самец): a type of bird with a dark brown plumage and a black tail.

2. **Ворчать, брюзжать**: to complain or grumble in a bad-tempered or grumpy way.

Вот несколько примеров использования слова «grouse» в предложениях:

1. We saw a beautiful **grouse** flying through the forest.
2. She started to **grouse** about the weather as soon as we stepped outside.
3. The hunter carefully approached the **grouse**, trying not to scare it away.
4. He always **grouses** about his job, but he never does anything to change it.
5. The sound of a **grouse** singing in the distance filled the forest with its melodic notes.
6. She decided to ignore his **grousing** and focused on her own thoughts.
7. The **grouse** season is coming up soon, and hunters are preparing their equipment.
8. He started to **grouse** when he realized that he had lost his phone.
9. The **grouse** population in this area is decreasing due to habitat loss.
10. She tried to ignore his constant **grousing**, but it was becoming difficult.
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