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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом ground

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In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
en: 💭 In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. © J. R. R. Tolkien
ru: 💭 В норе в земле жил-был хоббит.

In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
en: 💭 In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. © J. R. R. Tolkien
ru: 💭 В норе в земле жил-был хоббит. Не мерзкая, грязная, мокрая нора, наполненная червями и вонючим илом, но и не сухая, голая, песчаная нора, в которой не на что сесть или поесть: это была нора хоббита, а это означает комфорт.

My background educationally is physics and economics, and I grew up in sort of an engineering environment – my father is an electromechanical engineer. And so there were lots of engineery things around me.
en: 💭 My background educationally is physics and economics, and I grew up in sort of an engineering environment – my father is an electromechanical engineer. And so there were lots of engineery things around me. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 По образованию я физик и экономист, и я вырос в инженерной среде – мой отец инженер-электромеханик. Так что вокруг меня было много инженерного.

Now, an idea is not the same thing as a fact. A fact is something that is dead, in and of itself. It has no consciousness, no will to power, no motivation, no action. There are billions of dead facts. The internet is a graveyard of dead facts. But an idea that grips a person is alive. It wants to express itself, to live in the world. It is for this reason that the depth psychologists – Freud and Jung paramount among them – insisted that the human psyche was a battleground for ideas.
en: 💭 Now, an idea is not the same thing as a fact. A fact is something that is dead, in and of itself. It has no consciousness, no will to power, no motivation, no action. There are billions of dead facts. The internet is a graveyard of dead facts. But an idea that grips a person is alive. It wants to express itself, to live in the world. It is for this reason that the depth psychologists – Freud and Jung paramount among them – insisted that the human psyche was a battleground for ideas. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Идея - это не то же самое, что факт. Факт - это нечто мертвое само по себе. У него нет сознания, нет воли к власти, нет мотивации, нет действия. Существуют миллиарды мертвых фактов. Интернет - это кладбище мертвых фактов. Но идея, которая захватывает человека, жива. Она хочет выразить себя, жить в мире. Именно по этой причине глубинные психологи, в первую очередь Фрейд и Юнг, настаивали на том, что человеческая психика является полем битвы идей.

Order is the Shire of Tolkien’s hobbits: peaceful, productive and safely inhabitable, even by the naive. Chaos is the underground kingdom of the dwarves, usurped by Smaug, the treasure-hoarding serpent.
en: 💭 Order is the Shire of Tolkien’s hobbits: peaceful, productive and safely inhabitable, even by the naive. Chaos is the underground kingdom of the dwarves, usurped by Smaug, the treasure-hoarding serpent. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Порядок - это царство хоббитов Толкина: мирное, продуктивное и безопасное, пригодное для жизни даже наивных людей. Хаос - это подземное королевство гномов, захваченное Смогом, змеем-хранителем сокровищ.

Complete surrender usually happens through living. Your very life is the ground where that happens. There may be a partial surrender and then there may be an opening, and then you may engage in spiritual practice.
en: 💭 Complete surrender usually happens through living. Your very life is the ground where that happens. There may be a partial surrender and then there may be an opening, and then you may engage in spiritual practice. © Eckhart Tolle
ru: 💭 Полное отречение обычно происходит в процессе жизни. Сама ваша жизнь - это почва, на которой это происходит. Может произойти частичное отречение, а затем может открыться путь, и тогда вы сможете заняться духовной практикой.

A warrior takes his lot, whatever it may be, and accepts it in ultimate humbleness. He accepts in humbleness what he is, not as a grounds for regret but as a living challenge.
en: 💭 A warrior takes his lot, whatever it may be, and accepts it in ultimate humbleness. He accepts in humbleness what he is, not as a grounds for regret but as a living challenge. © Carlos Castaneda
ru: 💭 Воин принимает свою участь, какой бы она ни была, и принимает ее с абсолютным смирением. Он смиренно принимает себя таким, какой он есть, не как повод для сожалений, а как вызов жизни.

Should a man live underground, and there converse with the works of art and mechanism, and should afterwards be brought up into the open day, and see the several glories of the heaven and earth, he would immediately pronounce them the work of such a Being as we define God to be.
en: 💭 Should a man live underground, and there converse with the works of art and mechanism, and should afterwards be brought up into the open day, and see the several glories of the heaven and earth, he would immediately pronounce them the work of such a Being as we define God to be. © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Если бы человек жил под землей и общался там с произведениями искусства и механизмами, а затем был бы выведен на улицу и увидел бы все великолепие неба и земли, он немедленно признал бы их работой такого Существа, каким мы считаем Бога.

If you are honest, truthful, and transparent, people trust you. If people trust you, you have no grounds for fear, suspicion or jealousy.
en: 💭 If you are honest, truthful, and transparent, people trust you. If people trust you, you have no grounds for fear, suspicion or jealousy. © Dalai Lama XIV
ru: 💭 Если вы честны, правдивы и прозрачны, люди вам доверяют. Если люди вам доверяют, у вас нет оснований для страха, подозрений или ревности.

The most compassionate form of giving is done with no thought or expectation of reward, and grounded in genuine concern for others.
en: 💭 The most compassionate form of giving is done with no thought or expectation of reward, and grounded in genuine concern for others. © Dalai Lama XIV
ru: 💭 Самая сострадательная форма пожертвования совершается без всякой мысли о вознаграждении или ожидания его получения и основывается на искренней заботе о других.

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
en: 💭 No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Никто не рождается с ненавистью к другому человеку из-за цвета его кожи, происхождения или религии. Люди должны научиться ненавидеть, а если они могут научиться ненавидеть, их можно научить любить, потому что любовь более естественна для человеческого сердца, чем ее противоположность.

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion.
en: 💭 No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Никто не рождается с ненавистью к другому человеку из-за цвета его кожи, происхождения или религии.

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