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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом dust

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I think the high-tech industry is used to developing new things very quickly. It’s the Silicon Valley way of doing business: You either move very quickly and you work hard to improve your product technology, or you get destroyed by some other company.
en: 💭 I think the high-tech industry is used to developing new things very quickly. It’s the Silicon Valley way of doing business: You either move very quickly and you work hard to improve your product technology, or you get destroyed by some other company. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Я думаю, что индустрия высоких технологий привыкла очень быстро разрабатывать что-то новое. Таков способ ведения бизнеса в Кремниевой долине: вы либо двигаетесь очень быстро и усердно работаете над улучшением технологии своего продукта, либо вас уничтожает какая-нибудь другая компания.

The overarching goal of Tesla is to help reduce carbon emissions and that means low cost and high volume. We will also serve as an example to the auto industry, proving that the technology really works and customers want to buy electric vehicles.
en: 💭 The overarching goal of Tesla is to help reduce carbon emissions and that means low cost and high volume. We will also serve as an example to the auto industry, proving that the technology really works and customers want to buy electric vehicles. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Главная цель Tesla - помочь сократить выбросы углекислого газа, а это означает низкие затраты и большие объемы производства. Мы также послужим примером для автомобильной промышленности, доказав, что технология действительно работает и клиенты хотят покупать электромобили.

Winning ‘Motor Trend’ Car of the year is probably the closest thing to winning the Oscar or Emmy of the car industry.
en: 💭 Winning ‘Motor Trend’ Car of the year is probably the closest thing to winning the Oscar or Emmy of the car industry. © Elon Musk
ru: 💭 Победа в номинации "Автомобиль года по версии Motor Trend", вероятно, наиболее близка к получению премии "Оскар" или "Эмми" в автомобильной индустрии.

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
en: 💭 What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? © William Shakespeare
ru: 💭 Что за произведение искусства этот человек! Как благороден его разум! как безграничны его способности! в форме, в движениях, как выразителен и восхитителен! в действии он подобен ангелу! в восприятии он подобен богу! красота мира! образец для подражания животным! И все же, для меня, что это за квинтэссенция пыли?

No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let’s talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth.
en: 💭 No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let’s talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth. © William Shakespeare
ru: 💭 Неважно, где; об утешении никто не говорит: Давайте поговорим о могилах, о червях и эпитафиях; Сотрем пыль с нашей бумаги и с залитыми слезами глазами напишем печаль на лоне земли.

When we do not love, we sleep, we are children of the dust – but love, and you are a god, you are pure, as on the first day of creation.
en: 💭 When we do not love, we sleep, we are children of the dust – but love, and you are a god, you are pure, as on the first day of creation. © Leo Tolstoy
ru: 💭 Когда мы не любим, мы спим, мы дети праха – но люби, и ты бог, ты чист, как в первый день творения.

The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him. Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth.
en: 💭 The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes the dust under its feet, but the seeker after truth should so humble himself that even the dust could crush him. Only then, and not till then, will he have a glimpse of truth. © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Искатель истины должен быть смиреннее пыли. Мир растирает пыль под своими ногами, но искатель истины должен настолько смириться, чтобы даже пыль могла раздавить его. Только тогда, и не раньше, он увидит проблеск истины.

True education is that which proves useful in life and makes you industrious.
en: 💭 True education is that which proves useful in life and makes you industrious. © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Истинное образование - это то, что оказывается полезным в жизни и делает вас трудолюбивым.

Our lives are but specks of dust falling through the fingers of time. Like sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
en: 💭 Our lives are but specks of dust falling through the fingers of time. Like sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. © Socrates
ru: 💭 Наши жизни - всего лишь пылинки, падающие сквозь пальцы времени. Дни нашей жизни подобны песку в песочных часах.

Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.
en: 💭 Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. © Albert Einstein
ru: 💭 Все определяется, как начало, так и конец, силами, над которыми мы не властны. Это предопределено как для насекомого, так и для звезды. Люди, овощи или космическая пыль - все мы танцуем под таинственную мелодию, которую вдалеке напевает невидимый волынщик.

Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive.
en: 💭 Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive. © J.K. Rowling
ru: 💭 Наконец-то, правда. Лежа, уткнувшись лицом в пыльный ковер в кабинете, где, как ему когда-то казалось, он постигал секреты победы, Гарри наконец понял, что ему не суждено выжить.

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