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💭 Цитаты на английском со словом development

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The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. Status you can lose. You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity.
en: 💭 The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. Status you can lose. You carry character with you wherever you go, and it allows you to prevail against adversity. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Более высокие амбиции связаны с развитием характера и способностей, а не со статусом и властью. Статус вы можете потерять. Характер всегда с вами, куда бы вы ни пошли, и это позволяет вам противостоять невзгодам.

Set your ambitions, even if you are uncertain about what they should be. The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power.
en: 💭 Set your ambitions, even if you are uncertain about what they should be. The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability, rather than status and power. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Определите свои амбиции, даже если вы не уверены в том, какими они должны быть. Лучшие амбиции связаны с развитием характера и способностей, а не со статусом и властью.

How could the world be freed from the terrible dilemma of conflict, on the one hand, and psychological and social dissolution, on the other? The answer was this: through the elevation and development of the individual, and through the willingness of everyone to shoulder the burden of Being and to take the heroic path.
en: 💭 How could the world be freed from the terrible dilemma of conflict, on the one hand, and psychological and social dissolution, on the other? The answer was this: through the elevation and development of the individual, and through the willingness of everyone to shoulder the burden of Being and to take the heroic path. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Как можно было бы избавить мир от ужасной дилеммы конфликта, с одной стороны, и психологического и социального разложения - с другой? Ответ был таков: через возвышение и развитие личности, а также через готовность каждого взять на себя бремя Бытия и встать на героический путь.

A long period of unfreedom – adherence to a singular interpretive structure – is necessary for the development of a free mind.
en: 💭 A long period of unfreedom – adherence to a singular interpretive structure – is necessary for the development of a free mind. © Jordan B. Peterson
ru: 💭 Длительный период несвободы – следования единой интерпретационной структуре – необходим для развития свободного мышления.

Adolescent stage in the development of the human race from which humanity should free itself.
en: 💭 Adolescent stage in the development of the human race from which humanity should free itself. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Подростковый этап в развитии человеческой расы, от которого человечество должно освободиться.

It could be ventured to understand obsessive compulsive neurosis as the pathological counterpart of religious development, to define neurosis as an individual religiosity; to define religion as a universal obsessive compulsive neurosis.
en: 💭 It could be ventured to understand obsessive compulsive neurosis as the pathological counterpart of religious development, to define neurosis as an individual religiosity; to define religion as a universal obsessive compulsive neurosis. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Можно было бы рискнуть понять невроз навязчивых состояний как патологическую реакцию на религиозное развитие, определить невроз как индивидуальную религиозность; определить религию как универсальный невроз навязчивых состояний.

The little child is above all shameless, and during its early years it evinces definite pleasure in displaying its body and especially its sexual organs. A counterpart to this desire which is to be considered as perverse, the curiosity to see other persons’ genitals, probably appears first in the later years of childhood when the hindrance of the feeling of shame has already reached a certain development.
en: 💭 The little child is above all shameless, and during its early years it evinces definite pleasure in displaying its body and especially its sexual organs. A counterpart to this desire which is to be considered as perverse, the curiosity to see other persons’ genitals, probably appears first in the later years of childhood when the hindrance of the feeling of shame has already reached a certain development. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 Маленький ребенок прежде всего бесстыден, и в первые годы жизни он с явным удовольствием демонстрирует свое тело и особенно половые органы. Противоположное этому желанию, которое следует рассматривать как извращенное, любопытство к осмотру гениталий других людей, вероятно, впервые появляется в более поздние годы детства, когда препятствие в виде чувства стыда уже достигло определенного развития.

So long as we trace the development from its final outcome backwards, the chain of events appears continuous, and we feel we have gained an insight which is completely satisfactory or even exhaustive. But if we proceed in the reverse way, if we start from the premises inferred from the analysis and try to follow these up to the final results, then we no longer get the impression of an inevitable sequence of events which could not have otherwise been determined.
en: 💭 So long as we trace the development from its final outcome backwards, the chain of events appears continuous, and we feel we have gained an insight which is completely satisfactory or even exhaustive. But if we proceed in the reverse way, if we start from the premises inferred from the analysis and try to follow these up to the final results, then we no longer get the impression of an inevitable sequence of events which could not have otherwise been determined. © Sigmund Freud
ru: 💭 До тех пор, пока мы прослеживаем развитие событий от их конечного результата в обратном направлении, цепочка событий кажется непрерывной, и мы чувствуем, что получили представление, которое является полностью удовлетворительным или даже исчерпывающим. Но если мы пойдем обратным путем, если мы начнем с предпосылок, вытекающих из анализа, и попытаемся довести их до конечных результатов, то у нас больше не будет впечатления о неизбежной последовательности событий, которая не могла бы быть определена иным образом.

If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.
en: 💭 If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development. © Aristotle
ru: 💭 Если вы хотите что-то понять, понаблюдайте за его началом и развитием.

Education is the basic tool for the development of consciousness and the reconstitution of society.
en: 💭 Education is the basic tool for the development of consciousness and the reconstitution of society. © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Образование является основным инструментом развития сознания и переустройства общества.

The object of basic education is the physical, intellectual and moral development of children through the medium of handicraft.
en: 💭 The object of basic education is the physical, intellectual and moral development of children through the medium of handicraft. © Mahatma Gandhi
ru: 💭 Целью базового образования является физическое, интеллектуальное и нравственное развитие детей посредством рукоделия.

Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.
en: 💭 Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek. © Dalai Lama XIV
ru: 💭 Только развитие сострадания и понимания к другим может принести нам спокойствие и счастье, к которым мы все стремимся.

Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free. True peace with oneself and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace.
en: 💭 Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free. True peace with oneself and with the world around us can only be achieved through the development of mental peace. © Dalai Lama XIV
ru: 💭 Мир может сохраняться только там, где соблюдаются права человека, где люди сыты и где отдельные люди и нации свободны. Истинный мир с самим собой и с окружающим миром может быть достигнут только через развитие душевного спокойствия.

Peace is the greatest weapon for development that any person can have.
en: 💭 Peace is the greatest weapon for development that any person can have. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Мир - это величайшее оружие для развития, которое может быть у любого человека.

Education is the great engine to personal development.
en: 💭 Education is the great engine to personal development. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Образование - это великий двигатель личностного развития.

Negotiation and discussion are the greatest weapons we have for promoting peace and development.
en: 💭 Negotiation and discussion are the greatest weapons we have for promoting peace and development. © Nelson Mandela
ru: 💭 Переговоры и дискуссии - это самое мощное оружие, которое у нас есть для содействия миру и развитию.

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
en: 💭 Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else. © Leonardo da Vinci
ru: 💭 Принципы развития целостного мышления: Изучайте науку искусства. Изучайте искусство науки. Развивайте свои чувства - особенно учитесь видеть. Осознайте, что все взаимосвязано.

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