📒 with no or very little light, especially because it is night
📒 not light; closer in shade to black than to white
📒 having a colour that is close to black
📒 brown or black in colour
📒 having dark hair, eyes, etc.
📒 mysterious; hidden and not known about
📒 evil or frightening
📒 unpleasant and without any hope that something good will happen
📒 produced with the back part of the tongue close to the back of the mouth. In many accents of (= ways of pronouncing) English, dark /l/ is used after a vowel, as in ball.
📒 a person who does not tell other people much about their life, and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities
📒 a person taking part in a race, etc. who surprises everyone by winning
📒 to keep something secret and not tell people about it