📒 any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body of a human or an animal
📒 the hard substance that bones are made of
📒 having bones of the type mentioned
📒 a very thin person or animal
📒 the basic facts
📒 a subject that causes people to disagree
📒 so honest or clearly expressed that it is likely to cause offence to some people
📒 to reduce something, such as costs, as much as you possibly can
📒 to be certain about something even though you do not have any direct proof and cannot explain why you are certain
📒 to be angry with somebody about something and want to discuss it with them
📒 very determined and refusing to give up
📒 to be honest and open about something; to not hesitate to do something
📒 to have none of the quality mentioned
📒 to develop a basic idea, etc. by giving more details to make it more complete
📒 extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy
📒 to give somebody a small part of what they want as a way of showing that you want to help them, without offering them the main thing they want
📒 affecting you very strongly
📒 to work very hard