📒 a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. Most birds can fly.
📒 a person of a particular type, especially somebody who is strange or unusual in some way
📒 an offensive way of referring to a young woman
📒 to not be important or practical
📒 the wanted person has escaped
📒 it is better to keep something that you already have than to risk losing it by trying to get much more
📒 the basic facts about sex, especially as told to children
📒 a view of something from a high position looking down
📒 people of the same sort (are found together)
📒 the person who takes the opportunity to do something before other people will have an advantage over them
📒 to shout at somebody to show that you do not like or approve of them; to be shouted at
📒 to make a rude sign at somebody with your middle finger; to have this sign made at you
📒 to achieve two things at the same time with one action
📒 used to say that somebody told you something but you do not want to say who it was